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    2024.05.10 | 历史知识局 | 次围观
    历史 ,11世纪初年,法蒂玛王朝第六代哈里发哈基姆(حاكم,阿拉伯语意为智者)晚年被神化,自命为伊斯玛仪派所信奉的救世主——第七代伊玛目。后传教士德拉齐和哈姆扎·伊本·阿里因迎合哈基姆,被正统伊斯玛仪教派驱逐,前往和黎巴嫩等地传教,形成德鲁兹派。1021年,哈基姆,其后该教派被正式逐出埃及,次年哈姆扎·伊本·阿里逝世,巴哈尔丁·穆丹纳被奉为教派首领,称“谢赫”。1034年巴哈尔丁·穆丹纳死后,因屡遭和,转为秘密封闭的宗教社团,后来便不对外传教了。,德鲁兹派的经典为诸位创立者的信函集《智慧书》(阿拉伯语: رسَائل الحكمة Epistles of Wisdom),也信奉《古兰经》,教义为信奉安拉为宇宙间唯一,其灵智普通人不可知,哈基姆为的代言人,只有他才能理解的灵智,他将在末日时重回世间拯救信徒。该教派有着严格的等级制度,强调对哈基姆和教会的绝对服从。该教派不奉行正统教派的“五功”,也不设立清真寺。,外部链接 ,来源 ,History and sites of the Druze,Rise and fall of the Syrian Druze,Institute of Druze Studies, San Diego, California,Druzenet, English publications,Druse, Druze, Mowahhidoondescribed at the OCRT site,Arabic Site about Druzewith sample from their scriptures,Druze Catechism,1911 Encyclopaedia Britannica article,Encyclopedia Brittanica Concise Article about Druze,Encyclopedia Brittanica Concise Longer Article about Druze,Druzeby Pam Rohland,SEMP - Who are the Druze?,专家 ,Dr. Abbas Abou Saleh,Dr. Sami Makarem,Dr. Mounir Yehia,Dr. Moustafa Moukarim,社群 ,Druze Chat,Druze Faces,Druze NewsDruze News from Lebanon, Israel and the Druze world.,Lebanese Druze Online Community,American Druze Society - National,American Druze Society - Michigan,Canadian Druze Society,Australian Druze Community,South Australian Druze Community,Israeli Druze Online - in Hebrew,European Druze Society,Meeting Druze from all over the world,Druze Articles,其他连结 ,Druze: A small peace of Israelfrom hackwriters.com,The Druzes and the Maronites under the Turkish Rule from 1840 to 1860. Cornell University Library Historical Monographs Collection. ISBN 1-4297-3982-7.,Druze in Israel and Syria,The Druzeby Dr. Naim Aridi,The Druze, ,免责声明:以上内容版权归原作者所有,如有侵犯您的原创版权请告知,我们将尽快删除相关内容。感谢每一位辛勤著写的作者,感谢每一位的分享。,历史11世纪初年,法蒂玛王朝第六代哈里发哈基姆(حاكم,阿拉伯语意为智者)晚年被神化,自命为伊斯玛仪派所信奉的救世主——第七代伊玛目。后突厥传教士德拉齐和哈姆扎·伊本·阿里因迎合哈基姆,被正统伊斯玛仪教派驱逐,前往叙利亚和黎巴嫩等地传教,形成德鲁兹派。1021年,哈基姆失踪,其后该教派被正式逐出埃及,次年哈姆扎·伊本·阿里逝世,巴哈尔丁·穆丹纳被奉为教派首领,称“谢赫”。1034年巴哈尔丁·穆丹纳死后,因屡遭镇压和迫害,转为秘密封闭的宗教社团,后来便不对外传教了。德鲁兹派的经典为诸位创立者的信函集《智慧书》(阿拉伯语:رسَائلالحكمةEpistlesofWisdom),也信奉《古兰经》,教义为信奉安拉为宇宙间唯一真主,其灵智普通人不可知,哈基姆为真主的代言人,只有他才能理解真主的灵智,他将在末日时重回世间拯救信徒。该教派有着严格的等级制度,强调对哈基姆和教会的绝对服从。该教派不奉



    德鲁兹派的经典为诸位创立者的信函集《智慧书》(阿拉伯语: رسَائل الحكمة Epistles of Wisdom),也信奉《古兰经》,教义为信奉安拉为宇宙间唯一,其灵智普通人不可知,哈基姆为的代言人,只有他才能理解的灵智,他将在末日时重回世间拯救信徒。该教派有着严格的等级制度,强调对哈基姆和教会的绝对服从。该教派不奉行正统教派的“五功”,也不设立清真寺。



    History and sites of the Druze

    Rise and fall of the Syrian Druze

    Institute of Druze Studies, San Diego, California

    Druzenet, English publications

    Druse, Druze, Mowahhidoondescribed at the OCRT site

    Arabic Site about Druzewith sample from their scriptures

    Druze Catechism

    1911 Encyclopaedia Britannica article

    Encyclopedia Brittanica Concise Article about Druze

    Encyclopedia Brittanica Concise Longer Article about Druze

    Druzeby Pam Rohland

    SEMP - Who are the Druze?


    Dr. Abbas Abou Saleh

    Dr. Sami Makarem

    Dr. Mounir Yehia

    Dr. Moustafa Moukarim


    Druze Chat

    Druze Faces

    Druze NewsDruze News from Lebanon, Israel and the Druze world.

    Lebanese Druze Online Community

    American Druze Society - National

    American Druze Society - Michigan

    Canadian Druze Society

    Australian Druze Community

    South Australian Druze Community

    Israeli Druze Online - in Hebrew

    European Druze Society

    Meeting Druze from all over the world

    Druze Articles


    Druze: A small peace of Israelfrom hackwriters.com

    The Druzes and the Maronites under the Turkish Rule from 1840 to 1860. Cornell University Library Historical Monographs Collection. ISBN 1-4297-3982-7.

    Druze in Israel and Syria

    The Druzeby Dr. Naim Aridi

    The Druze



